Glennie Memorial Nature Salon 2018
As reported in the news section, 63 clubs competed in this world-wide competition - our entry came fifth overall. The winning society was Greater Lynn Photographic Association from Massachusetts. This result continues the success of recent years, with Poulton coming fifth in 2014 and second two years later. The club's stunning entry is shown below.

'Banded Demoiselle' by Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Merit Award : Invertebrate - Dragonfly

'Clownfish in Anemone' by Gillian O'Meara First in Class : Marine

'Goshawk with Prey' by Ann Rhodes Merit Award : Bird - Raptors

'Jay' by Steve Cushing EFIAP BPE2* Accepted in Exhibition : Bird - Other

'Kestrel with Vole' by Richard O'Meara Merit Award : Bird - Raptors

'Kingfisher with Roach' by Phil Hodson DPAGB EFIAP BPE1* First in Class : Birds

'Lapwing with Worm' by Gillian O'Meara Accepted in Exhibition : Bird - Exotics

'Shoal of Spawning Rudderfish' by Richard O'Meara Merit Award : Marine

'Swallowtail Caterpillar' by Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE2* Merit Award : Invertebrate - Other

'Wolverine' by Steve Cushing EFIAP BPE2* Merit Award - Mammal - Other