Glennie Memorial Nature Salon 2019
As reported in the news section, 65 clubs competed in this world-wide competition - our entry came FIRST overall with 252 points. The second placed club was Greater Lynn Photographic Society from Massachusetts in the USA with 248 points and in third place was The Entrance Camera Club from New South Wales in Australia with 243. Eight out of ten of the club's images gained awards. The stunning entry is shown below.

'Tree Frogs' by Ann Rhodes First in Category : Amphibian

'Frog metamorphosis completed' by Phil Hodson DPAGB EFIAP BPE1* Merit Award : Amphibian

'Redpoll male' by Phil Hodson DPAGB EFIAP BPE1* Accepted in Exhibition : Bird - Perching

'Starling Dance' by Richard O'Meara First in Category : Bird - Perching

'Bluetit collecting nest material' by Richard O'Meara Accepted in Exhibition : Bird - Perching

'Osprey with fish' by Gill O'Meara Merit Award : Bird - Raptors

'Skimmimg Tern' by Ann Rhodes Merit Award : Bird - Shore

'Redshank dispute' by Gill O'Meara Best of Category : Bird - Shore

'Ringlet Butterfly' by Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* Merit Award : Invertebrate - Butterflies

'Swallowtail Feeding' by Alan Storey DPAGB AFIAP BPE3* First in Category : Invertebrate - Butterflies