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Poulton knocked them all out !
The L&CPU Digital Image Knock-Out Competion was held on Saturday 17th November. 39 clubs entered the competition and it was therefore limited to only 4 images per club. There were 6 rounds, with the judge, John Cartlidge APAGB, EFIAP/p, BPE 5* from the Midland Counties Photographic Federation, deleting images each time. Those deleted in the first round scored 1 point, those in the second round 2 and so on. Only 5 images made it to the final round, one being Gill O’Meara’s 'Redshank Dispute'. We were then in first position together with Southport on 16 points. The judge was then shown the two tie breaker images and chose Richard O'Meara's "Osprey Drying Wings" (shown here). Joint third place went to South Manchester CC and Bury PS on 15 points each. See all the Poulton images on the External Competitions page of this website.
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