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Annual Exhibition 2019
Our 2019 Annual Exhibition was officially opened on Monday 3rd June, before the Trophies were presented to members. The Official Opener should have been Ian Aldcroft ARPS, President of the Lancashire and Cheshire Photographic Union. Unfortunately, Ian had a puncture on his way to Poulton and missed most of the formalities. Roger Goodwill, one of our three Honorary Life Members, stepped into the breach in his absence. As well as the presentation of trophies, Honorary Life Membership was conveyed on Mrs Cynthia Lee CPAGB during the evening (see separate report). The photo shows (from L to R) Chairman Alan Cameron, Roger Goodwill and member Tom Richardson. As a further reason to celebrate, Tom has just been awarded the Platinum citation to his EFIAP distinction - a rare photographic honour. The Exhibition runs until Saturday 8th June in the Masonic Hall, Market Square, Poulton and is open every day from 10am to 5pm.
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