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Member of the Year
On the last formal meeting of each year the name of the Member of the Year is announced. This award recognises the member who has most enhanced the Society through their photographic work or for supporting the operation of the Society. Winner this year is our Chairman, Alan Cameron LRPS. The list of citations below illustrates the reason why Alan deservedly won this award and 'The Warton Cup'. “Alan Cameron for the Award of Member of the Year for the way that he has led us through these difficult times, keeping the spirit of PPS alive.” “He has 'led from the front' and conducts the online meetings really well.” “Alan Cameron for his work in keeping the club going through the coronavirus lockdown.” “He has put a lot of effort into the club since the covid-19 lockdown. He, along with the rest of the committee, have done well to keep the club going in difficult times.” “Alan Cameron for keeping the club going in these difficult times.” “In recognition of his efforts to keep the Society functioning under the unexpected circumstances of Covid 19.” “It's a no-brainer for me, as he has been instrumental in keeping the club running in these unprecedented times.”
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