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Colin Pawson FRPS
Six days after Matt Roskell died, another stalwart of the club passed away. Colin Pawson died on 13th February, aged 92. He joined the Society in 1974 and served as Chairman from 1980 to 1982. Colin was a talented landscape photographer, especially of the American mid-west. He gained his FRPS with a wonderful set of prints taken of Antelope Canyon, Arizona. Colin was a skilled craftsman and he designed and manufactured one of our most elegant trophies - The Four-Way Trophy (as it was called when first presented). His wife Audrey was also a keen member of PPS until she passed away in 2018. Colin is another member who will be greatly missed by all of us at Poulton Photographic Society. He leaves a son, Nigel. Some of Colin's work can be viewed on the Downloads page of this website.
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