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Inter-Club National Print Championship.
Poulton PS win the Plate at the PAGB Inter-Club National Print Championship. There were 37 clubs who qualified for the Inter-Club National Print Championship this year which took place yesterday in Blackburn. The initial round involved 12 prints from each club and they were scored by 3 judges. The 8 clubs achieving the highest scores qualify for the final. The rest competed for the Plate. We didn’t make the final, coming about 12th. But we did go on to win the Plate which puts us 9th nationally and qualifies us for the Championships next year! Work from Craig Bevington, Steve Cushing, Peter Knight, Gill and Richard O’Meara, Alan Storey and Tom Richardson was used. 'The Animals came in 4 x 4' by Richard was one of the top scorers and was also selected by the print handling staff as their favourite image for which he was awarded the Beano Annual and a box of fudge!
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