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PAGB Inter club PDI championships
Richard O'Meara writes: Yesterday we attended the PAGB Inter club PDI championships in Warwick. 37 clubs from the 15 federations nationwide had qualified for the championship. All Clubs have a preselected bank of 40 images and a preselected first round of 8 images that are judged by 3 judges, scoring the image out of a maximum of 5. After the first round we were in 2nd place with 100 points. We then had to choose our second round of 8 images from our bank based on what we thought the judges would like. We did less well in the second round scoring 93 but nevertheless the combined scores put us in 7th place qualifying us for the final which is for the top 8 nationally. There was a tie for 8th place so 10 clubs qualified overall. We then had to pick 20 images from our bank, only 10 of which had been used in the first 2 rounds. Our final position was 9th equal, Chorley being the overall winners. Having made the final means we automatically qualify for next year. 'Walkies' by Gill O’Meara was one of our top scoring images.
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