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Residents' Photographic Competition
The 46th Annual Exhibition of our Society will be held in the Masonic Hall, Market Place from Friday 1st to Saturday 9th June, 10am - 5pm each day. The official opening, by the President of the L&CPU Henry Mullarkey, will take place on Monday 4th June at 7-30pm, when the annual awards will be presented. In conjunction with our Exhibition, the Society runs a photographic competition for local residents with a trophy and prizes for the award winners. Entry forms for this competition can be picked up from Poulton Library or downloaded from the downloads page of this website. Entries should be returned to Poulton Library before Saturday 30th June. A selection of the entries from the Residents' Competition will be displayed in the Library as part of our Summer Exhibition. This will run from Saturday 18th August to Saturday 1st September.
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