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Four-way PDI Battle
The 2013 Four-way Battle was hosted by Bispham PS and judged by Tony Duffey CPAGB of Southport PS. For many years the four Societies of Bispham, Fleetwood, Garstang and Poulton have competed to win the 4-Way Trophy, initially for slides but more recently as a Projected Digital Image Competition. Fleetwood CC are no more, alas, as they have recently merged with HASSRA Fylde PS to become North Fylde PS, so bringing new blood into the Battle. Despite this injection of new workers, Poulton still managed to retain the Trophy with a total of 259 points. North Fylde moved into second place, however, with 239 points, wihilst Bispham (217) and Garstang (215) brought up the rear. Two Poulton members scored a maximum of 20 with their images : Tony Collier with his 'Male Kestrel' (pictured) and Steve Cushing with his 'Buff-tailed Coronet'. The full results are on our External Competitions page. All the Poulton images entered in the battle may be viewed by clicking here.
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